Adrienne Duarte Chief Financial Officer Gertrude Biomedical

Adrienne Duarte, Chief Financial Officer

Adrienne is an accomplished finance executive with extensive experience in financial management, corporate governance and capital markets, and over 11 years’ experience as a Chief Financial Officer at public companies. Until December 2021 she was Chief Financial Officer at Latitude Financial Services. Prior to that, Adrienne was a senior finance executive at National Australia Bank Group for 17 years and held a number of roles including, Chief Financial Officer of Bank of New Zealand from 2012 to 2017 (BNZ’s first female Chief Financial Officer) and spent 8 years as a senior member of the NAB’s internal M&A team. Adrienne is a Fellow of both the Chartered Accountants ANZ and Certified Practicing Accountants. She is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has both an MBA (UNSW) and a Bachelor of Economics (ANU).