A/Prof. Mathias Francois – General Advisory Board Member

A/Prof. Mathias Francois – General Advisory Board Member

A/Prof. Mathias Francois – General Advisory Board Member Prof. Francois is an internationally-recognised expert in the biology of transcription factor SOX18 and its role in lymphatic and blood vascular growth in disease. He was awarded the ASMR Queensland Premier’s...
Dr. Paul Leeson – General Advisory Board Member

Dr. Paul Leeson – General Advisory Board Member

Dr. Paul Leeson – General Advisory Board Member UK based Dr Paul Leeson brings over 35 years’ experience as a medicinal chemistry consultant with major pharmaceutical companies including Merck Sharp and Dohme, Wyeth (USA), AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline. He has...
Dr. Jeffrey Hill – Head of Biology

Dr. Jeffrey Hill – Head of Biology

Dr. Jeffrey Hill – Head of Biology Dr. Jeffrey Hill is the Head of Biology at Gertrude Biomedical where he works on the discovery and development of novel SOX18 inhibitors to treat patients with largely unmet medical needs. Before joining Gertrude Biomedical,...
Dr. Justin Ripper – Head of Medicinal Chemistry

Dr. Justin Ripper – Head of Medicinal Chemistry

Dr. Justin Ripper – Head of Medicinal Chemistry Dr. Justin Ripper is Head of Medicinal Chemistry at Gertrude Biomedical working towards the development of small molecules, that target SOX18, with the potential to become drugs. Justin has over 25 years’...
Dr. Johannes Zuegg – Medicinal Chemist (External)

Dr. Johannes Zuegg – Medicinal Chemist (External)

Dr. Johannes Zuegg – Medicinal Chemist (External) Dr Johannes Zuegg is an organic and medicinal chemist with 20 years’ research experience, including 8 years commercial development. He has worked on developing and applying computational methods in different...